It’s    Your    Life 

It could be anybody’s

Spiritual, Economic, Social, Psychological, Mental, Weird, Inconceivable


In this day and age, stress is killing more people than sicknesses can kill. You cannot deny it; stress is killing you. If stress is not killing you, then, just leave this page because what I am about to say is not for you. You are thinking your head out. You are working your butt off. You are stressing yourself out. You are facing untold mental and psychological torture. Nobody knows what you are going through. Even among those who know, some are just quietly watching you. Others are suggesting to you to see counselors and psychologists. You know you do not need all those. Day in day out your situation is worsening. All you need is a listening ear.


By now, people would be thinking you have gone bananas. In fact, when you talk, you often do not make sense to yourself because you begin to think wrongly about yourself. Sometimes you think the train of life has abandoned you. Listen: My listening skills will capture the full content of your email. Just email me. Pour out your heart. Do not make any effort to talk with me because if I speak with you I will not mince words. I will mercilessly tell you what others would be afraid to tell you because they do not want to hurt your feelings. I will hurt your feelings with truth and get you thinking. You may even get angry; and before you know it, you will begin your journey into recovery.


Some of you are married and suffering inside, dying inside, frustrated inside, and
pretending outside. 

You do not want people to know that you are gradually dying. You will definitely die,

believe me.
Only someone who does not know you can tell you the truth. That someone is


You are a husband. You have been reduced to a houseboy. If you make noise the marriage will end. You have invested your best years in the marriage. You are much older than your
wife. You are no longer able to give her good sex. She is not complaining, but you know something is not going right. You have lost your voice. You are gradually heading down the road to your grave. You love life. You were living it before. You no longer live it. You saw that skinny beautiful girl. You toasted her, wooed her, chased her, pursued her, and won her heart. That was some years ago. She is now an independent woman who really does not need you anymore.  Who will rescue you? You have made her what she has now become. You were fleshy, stout, macho, and handsome when you screened many girls and chose her. Today you are a skeleton, a mere shadow of your real self. That skinny beautiful girl has now become a fleshy angel.

People even want to snatch her away from you. Come to think of it, you are not even satisfying her anymore. Don’t you think she will openly get tired one day. Do not die in silence, pretense, and false hope of a change. You are getting older and older. Your body functions are not likely to improve; rather, they will be depreciating. You know you are not getting healthier. If anything, you are getting sicklier by the day! I am the only person I know who can truthfully point you in the right direction now, even though you do not yet see any negative signals. I tell you…, she is simply waiting for you to just die so that ‘they’ can begin her new life. She knows that’s the only thing left for you. Guess what? You can surprise her and all who are waiting for you to die.


You are a wife. Your husband was a kind, soft, and gentle guy when you fell for him. Today, he has become a bully. He is making plenty of money and can buy anything he wants. He can change wives if he wants. He can have mistresses if he wants. You have no way to compete with him. He is getting stronger and stronger by the day. You are now just like a house help; a maid; a yo-yo. You do not mind being all that, but you cannot stand the bullying. He is making more and more money. You need him because he provides for you even more than you can ever imagine. He gives you the sex 100%. You are confused. Good sex but intense bullying. When he is coming in from work or business, you have mixed feelings – happy that he is back, and afraid that he can go off on you like a time bomb. I will tell you the truth about him. You do not need to even see me or know where on this planet I am located. You need pointers, direction, guidance, and help. It is your life.


Remember that everyone is not wired the same way. What works for one person may not work for another. People do not generally have the same types of problems. Some problems are physical. Others are spiritual, economic, social, psychological, mental, weird, or inconceivable. Which one is your problem? Only one way to find out:
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